Click here for a free download of my article on IT Policies in PDF format!
IT (Information Technology) is a powerful tool that can help those in ministry be more effective in their Kingdom-building efforts. Ministry IT is about serving, empowering, facilitating.
I really liked the IT Policies you mention. I do have a comment on backups. You encourage the admin to back up the data, all of it if possible, but the core data at a minimum. This is very good to do.
Beyond this is an issue I have faced several times - what happens when everything fails? How long to procure equipment, and what are the steps to restore, and return to service?
My point is to encourage Church IT folks to attempt a restore on alternate equipment at least once a year, so that when such an event occurs, this won't be an unknown process, and any errors or problems in the process can be ironed out when the pressure is off.
God Speed to all of you!
Brett Mason
Anyone else here reading “I.T. WARS”? I don’t mean this to get screened as spam or a commercial endorsement – the book is in my library (Fairfax Co. Public Library – DC Metro area) and you can probably read it for free. But the main point: I had to read parts of this book as part of my employee orientation at a new job. The book talks about a whole new culture as being necessary – an eCulture – for a true understanding of security, being that most identity/data thefts are due to simple human errors. I am frankly surprised that the concept of an “eCulture” is not a dominant topic of discussion. Why is there no national discussion of the crucial, and reciprocally-relying, “business-technology weave”? The book has a great chapter on security. Just Google “IT WARS” – check out a couple links down and read the interview with the author David Scott. (Full title is “I.T. WARS: Managing the Business-Technology Weave in the New Millennium”).
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