Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Amazing Grace & Power!

I am amazed anew that God chooses to use me-- a far-from-perfect or -righteous guy, and that he does so with power. Clearly he proves through me that:
Thank you, Lord, for the privilege of serving You and Your Church.

Addendum: Click here to see my speaking schedule this year.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Family Doesn't Like My Holiday Beard

It's true!  And they keep coming at me with new reasons why I should shave now instead of waiting a little longer.  Here's the latest:
21-year-old daughter:  "Your beard makes you look like a grandfather, and that's putting pressure on me to have babies even though I'm not married yet."
Okay, that one might work...

The Facebook interest and comments (a robust debate!) about my beard are so fun! Click here to see the conclusion!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 IT Task List Article

New year, new beginnings, and new task lists! Are there some things that should be on your IT task list for early 2013?

Click here to see my quick article that can help!